
Step 1: Install Dodo Commands

# install dodo commands
sudo pip install dodo-commands


On Mac you may need to create a file ~/.distutils.cfg that sets an empty prefix to prevent errors stating “must supply either home or prefix/exec-prefix – not both”.


Autocompletion is provided for bash, fish and zsh (you need to restart the shell after installation). For activating autocompletion in zsh you need to install the argcomplete python package

 # deactivate any existing python environment
 pip install argcomplete

and add the code below to .zshrc.
autoload bashcompinit
eval "$(register-python-argcomplete dodo)"

Step 2: (Optional) Install virtualenv and git

Some commands depend on the python-virtualenv package. In addition, some of the Dodo commands use git.

# install prerequisites
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv git

Step 3: (Optional) Activate the latest project automatically

To automatically activate the last used Dodo Commands project, call dodo autostart on. This creates a ~/.config/fish/conf.d/ and a ~/.config/bash/conf.d/dodo_autostart.bash script. Call dodo autostart off to turn automatic activation off, this will delete the dodo_autostart script. The Fish shell will automatically find the script and run it when the shell starts. To have the same behaviour in Bash, add this line to your ~/.bashrc file:

if [ -f ~/.config/bash/conf.d/dodo_autostart.bash ]; then
    . ~/.config/bash/conf.d/dodo_autostart.bash

Step 4: (Optional) Add fish shell key-bindings for the dial command

If you are using the fish shell then it’s highly recommended to add the key-bindings for the (dial [–group=default] number) command (click the link for instructions). These key-binding allow you to change the current directory to one of the preset directories (that are configured in the project configuration file), which can really speed up your work-flow in the terminal.